Fostering Team Appreciation and Gratitude: A Cornerstone to a Stronger Workplace
Last month, I attended a White Coat Ceremony that marked the induction of students into the medical field. The keynote speaker, a highly esteemed and experienced physician, delivered an impactful speech. One particular aspect of his address caught my attention and serves as the focal point of this blog post, […]
P-Values: You Can’t Always Get What You Want
Is there a statistical support group or a special place where evaluators unwind after navigating the complex territory of non-significant results? I’m emotionally drained after experiencing the thrill of research and the excitement of discovery, followed by the highly awkward encounter with a dreaded p-value that refuses to dance to […]
The New FAFSA Application
Financial aid often is the bridge which allows students to take their dream career to fruition. Federal financial aid assistance has had plenty of face lifts since President Lyndon Johnson signed the Higher Education Act of 1965. The most recent face lift for federal financial aid is the new FAFSA […]
GEAR UP Together! Excel Skill-Building Workshops
I have been working in the GEAR UP space for over eight years, and prior to that I worked with educators in schools and school districts to help them use data to inform decisions. Throughout my career there has been one constant…Excel! Excel has been the primary tool that I’ve […]