Xcalibur fosters understanding using data among educational professionals to empower students in becoming college and career ready!
Welcome to Xcalibur!
Xcalibur will ensure you can make data-driven decisions to maximize impact of students, build advocacy to create sustainable funding for your grant, generate your annual federal, state, and local reports, and carry out your Evaluation plan.
Get started immediately with SCRIBE’s secure, FERPA complaint, real-time, and robust data management system for all of your GEAR UP collection needs!
Execute your evaluation plan with delay using our strategic inquiry process and our participatory evaluation methods.
What We Do.
For over 20 years, Xcalibur, Inc. has delivered innovative and cost-effective data management solutions for organizations, schools, districts, and states.
SCRIBE is Xcalibur’s most advanced tool for tracking and reporting student data.
News & Updates.
It is a sure sign that school is about to start when the shelves of school supplies seem to be vanishing by the minute! While I’m not sure where summer went, I can’t help but be excited for the new school year to be upon us. A new school year […]
Last month, I was all set to attend the annual National Council for Community and Education Partnerships (NCCEP) conference in Washington D.C. The conference is always an exciting and enriching experience with lots of opportunities for learning and networking. The conference featured a full agenda of keynote speakers, breakout sessions, […]
I’ve always said the NCCEP/GEAR UP Annual Conference feels like a family reunion, but this year’s event—Living the Mission: Celebrating 25 Years of GEAR UP—was extra special. It was a joyous gathering of familiar faces where nostalgia filled the air. Whether catching up with old friends or making new ones, […]
Expert People.
Director of Data Insights and Evaluation
CTO/Director of Technology
Mary Callan
State Director, GEAR UP Maine
Because of their support, GEAR UP Maine has accelerated our work and has become clearly focused on which activities support our grant outcomes and the data we need to collect to show evidence of success.
Tabitha Cinowski
Program Coordinator, Indiana GEAR UP
I have never worked on a project of this magnitude and was super nervous about how to get this all in place with good policies and procedures that make sense and are easy to use. Xcalibur has done a fantastic job in helping us through this process and making us feel comfortable.
Becky Young
Data Manager, GEAR UP Maine
There is no comparison between what we have with SCRIBE and what we had with our former system. We are light-years ahead with SCRIBE!