
Do You Think Beyond the Pie Chart?

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As part of the 2017 GEAR UP Annual Conference in San Francisco, Xcalibur team members Julie Jaramillo and Tricia Brainard partnered with Becky Young from GEAR UP Maine to challenge participants to Think Beyond the Pie Chart.  


The group developed the Five C’s to See Your Data as a way to create effective data visualizations to call each audience to action.  Participants engaged with the Five C’s:

  • Conveyance: Audience + Outcome
  • Context: The background information that impacts your story
  • Clutter: Minimize chartjunk
  • CARP: Maximize Contrast, Alignment, Repetition, and Proximity
  • Check & Chat: Use your network

As a final check for understanding, participants were tasked with developing their own visualization to demonstrate the impact of college visits.


The audience was comprised of GEAR UP Directors, Data Managers, Evaluators, and other members of the GEAR UP community.  Feedback for this session was very positive.

If you missed this session at the GEAR UP conference in San Francisco, join us in Portland, Oregon at GEAR UP West!