Xcalibur recently began hosting monthly Town Halls to bring the SCRIBE community together to discuss issues, share best practices and learn from each other. The Town Halls are also a great way to get to know fellow SCRIBE users and see friendly GEAR UP faces (or at least most people’s faces!).
An important aspect of these Town Hall discussions to remember is that there are no wrong ways of doing anything. Each grant is unique and has developed ways of serving students that works for them. Xcalibur isn’t there to tell you the “right” way to do your job – and we learn from you, too! But no matter how long we’ve been working with GEAR UP, we can always learn new ideas from others and improve our practices.
The topic of the inaugural Town Hall was Attachments. Attendees discussed how grants store attachments – some in binders, others on shared drives and some use the SCRIBE attachments feature. The second Town Hall covered reports – which ones do people love to use and why. During the most recent Town Hall, held on August 7th, we discussed when and how grants enroll students in SCRIBE for the new school year.
We conclude each Town Hall with a SCRIBE Snippet, a quick demonstration of a SCRIBE feature related to the discussion topic.
Screenshot of the Town Hall during the SCRIBE Snippet – Service AttachmentsWe are excited to continue discussing, learning, sharing and laughing as we tackle one GEAR UP topic after another together. Julie and Allie have come up with the first few topics but we don’t want it to just be us who decides what we talk about. We want to hear from you! Submit your suggestions for the discussion topic and/or SCRIBE snippet here.
We plan to continue to host the Town Halls on the first Friday of every month at 2pm eastern time (with some adjustments for holidays). Check your email for links to register.
Our next Town Hall is Friday, September 4th at 2pm eastern.
If you can’t make it or just want to relive the fun, you can watch a recording of the Town Halls and download the powerpoints and related documents in the Town Halls folder on the SCRIBE Help Desk. Log in to the Help Desk using your SCRIBE log in.