Here at Xcalibur we’re always thinking about how to improve SCRIBE for all the people who use it every day. We make adjustments here and there as needed but sometimes we have enough new features to have an official SCRIBE Release. The next SCRIBE Release is today, Friday, November 7!
Here are the features we’ve updated:
- The Service List with Attachments Report now includes District and School Year columns.
- Quicklinks on the SCRIBE home page will now update links when a student’s name, school name, district name or service name is modified and Quicklinks will no longer show duplicate students.
- The Family Member Details screens will no longer show student-specific details (like household income and primary language spoken at home). Don’t worry, this info is still available under the student’s Demographics tab.
- When viewing the Student List for a school, you can change the page view to display ALL students at that school.
- In the Student Search, you can now change the page view to display ALL students as long as you are searching in a single school.
Look out for another blog post which will dive into some of these updates in more detail.
We want to hear from you. What changes would you like to see in SCRIBE? Are there features you would like to see added or tweaks to existing functions that would make your life easier? Comment below to let us know your thoughts!